
Living Beautifully Begins Within Us

When We Join Together, Beautiful Things Can Happen


Over the course of my career, I’ve connected with so many wonderful people. Some of whom are now beautiful friends.

When I created Living Beautifully it was top of mind that something special was needed to connect with my followers directly with causes that need visibility affect those in my life. My hope is continuing the ripple effect of prosperity to those in-need both medically and socially.





Living Beautifully believes that the greatest beauty is created with acts of love and kindness.

The depth of our actions can create the most amazing ripple effects. We believe that each of us can be the start of something beautiful even by the smallest action.

Below are a few organizations we feel represent our community as a whole. Supporting women’s health and the safety and freedoms of all people from hate and injustice no matter their race, nationality, creed or sexual orientation.


The LAM Foundation

Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (lim-FAN-je-o-LI-o-MI-o-ma-TO-sis) is a rare lung disease that usually strikes women during the prime of their lives. Known as LAM for short, this disease is characterized by an abnormal growth of smooth muscle cells, especially in the lungs, lymphatic system and kidneys. The LAM Foundation was founded in 1995 by a mother seeking help for her daughter diagnosed with LAM. Since then, The LAM Foundation has grown into an international non-profit which urgently seeks safe and effective treatments and ultimately a cure for LAM through advocacy and the funding of promising research.

The Foundation is dedicated to serving the scientific, medical and patient communities by offering information, resources and a worldwide network of hope and support.

You can make a difference in the future of LAM! Learn more about LAM at thelamfoundation.org

Matthew Shepard Foundation

The Matthew Shepard Foundation’s mission is to amplify the story of Matthew Shepard to inspire individuals, organizations, and communities to embrace the dignity and equality of all people.

Through local, regional, and national outreach, we empower individuals to find their voice to create change and challenge communities to identify and address hate that lives within our schools, neighborhoods, and homes. Our work is an extension of Matt’s passion to foster a more caring and just world. We share his story and embody his vigor for civil rights to change the hearts and minds of others to accept everyone as they are.

You can make a difference too. Learn more about the Matthew Shepard Foundation at matthewshepard.org

How to Host a Beautiful
Dinner Party


A complimentary step by step instruction guide written by Petah using his years of event knowledge, designer know-how, planning skills and flair for perfection.
